2019-12-18 11:42:14
Novi eTwinning projekt naše škole - E-friends: our similarities make us closerUčitelji naše škole Matija Marković i Antonio Šarin uključili su se s učenicima 8-ih razreda u zanimljiv eTwinning projekt Gonce Saribay iz Cengiz Topel Orta Okulu, Finike, Turska. U Projektu je trenutno 10 škola iz Turske, Italije, Rumunjske, Bugarske i Hrvatske, a detalje projekta donosimo u nastavku:
Students from Italy and Turkey will make contact with each other by exchanging Christmas wishes, cards and little gifts.
They will then write messages about themselves, their families, schools and hometowns.
The project will go on with further correspondence about culture and traditions. It will then conclude with a final online meeting to share and sum up the most significant results of the correspondence.
The aims of this project are:
- offering the opportunity for e-friendships
- developing writing and social skills
- sharing information about other countries and cultures.
The project will start in December 2019, when students will exchange Christmas postcards and letters describing themselves, their hobbies and their families.
The correspondence will go on until June 2020 with messages and short videos describing the students’ daily routine and local traditions. The project will finish in June 2020 with a collection of highlights from the correspondence.
Students will develop their writing and social skills by interacting with their peers from other countries. All the materials produced during the project will be placed on TwinSpace.
E-friends: our similarities make us closer